2 bed 2 bath apartments
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East Hartford, CT 52 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Apartments for Rent

Looking for 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartments in East Hartford offer flexibility, privacy, and an ideal layout for roommates. Choose your location and make sure it's a reason... Read Guide >
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City Guide for East Hartford, CT

"I know a spot, peaceful and fair.I'd be so happy if I were there.No matter where I chance to be, Connecticut is the place for me." (- Michael Feinstein, "Connecticut")

Since the advent of the internet, how we gain knowledge about the past has changed. It has evolved from a hands on experience to a virtual one. However, there are some exceptions to the rule. East Hartford in Connecticut is a town not only rich in cultural history, but one the residents are darn proud of. This may be due to East Hartford having one of the most notably active historical societies in the nation. Members of the society see to it that the history of the location is kept alive through the historical buildings within the towns perimeter. East Hartford is a bonafide blast to the past, as visitors can experience first-hand what life was like in the 18thand 19thcenturies. One could even say that East Hartford is a modern town kept alive through its culturally rich historic heart. View East Hartford City Guide

What to keep in mind when looking for 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartments in East Hartford, CT

Looking for 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartments in East Hartford offer flexibility, privacy, and an ideal layout for roommates. Choose your location and make sure it's a reasonable commute from work, along with the neighborhood amenities you want from entertainment to green space.

Some 2 bedroom apartments in East Hartford offer two equal-sized rooms with the same bathrooms. Others may offer a smaller second bedroom that is intended as a den or guest room. The second bathroom could be located in a hallway or away from the bedrooms. If you’re moving in with a roommate, decide who will take the smaller room and potentially adjust each portion of the rent accordingly.

Consider how much privacy you want when renting 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartments in East Hartford. Are the bedrooms right next to each other or situated across the apartment? Consider the views each bedroom offers, as well as if one offers more storage and a better layout.