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East Haven, CT is the town to live in if you love history. The downtown area is home to many museums. Musical Instrument museum anyone? The art museums will surely keep you occupied for an afternoon.
Even if history makes you roll your eyes and want to throw spit wads, this town has it all. Of course, there are enough coffee shops here that could keep the whole town awake for fifty years. East Haven does have its own beach 20 minutes away if the hustle and bustle of the city center is getting on your nerves. Most of the parks date back to the 1600’s and yes, some of them were, at one point, cemeteries. Be careful where you place that picnic blanket. This a shopping wonderland, with outlets stores, shopping malls, and entire districts devoted to shopping. The outdoorsy types will be happy to know there is hiking at East Rock Park. East Haven is a great place to live, work and play. View East Haven City Guide
Looking for 3 bedroom apartments in East Haven provides more space for multiple roommates sharing costs, or a family looking to settle in. Look for apartments that fit your lifestyle with proximity to green space, restaurants, entertainment, or quality schools.
Take your time when considering the layout during a tour of 3 bedroom apartments. Some bedrooms may be smaller than the others. This could work out well for roommates who want to adjust their share of the cost depending on who gets the largest and smallest bedroom. If you’re renting the entire space for yourself, make sure the rooms work well for the configuration you’re looking for, including a main bedroom, guest room, and office.
Consider the outdoor space when renting 3 bedroom apartments in East Haven. A larger apartment may come with both a balcony off the living room and Juliet doors in the main bedroom. A small yard out back, rooftop terrace, and other outdoor amenities may also be available.