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As Al Gore says, "Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo." If you have a passport burning a hole in your pocket and you're looking for a small Connecticut town that's convenient to an international airport, Windsor Locks might be the perfect place to call home.
Windsor Locks, Connecticut is a small town located close to the border of Massachusetts. Today its main claim to fame is being the home of Bradley International Airport (BDL), which serves the Hartford and Springfield areas. Because Connecticut is a small state, many area residents will use BDL for domestic as well as international flights. With a census-reported population of about 12,500, living in Windsor Locks will provide a sense of community. A few other notable facts about Windsor Locks include it being the home of the first Christmas tree in 1777 and of The Dexter Corporation, once the oldest company on the New York Stock Exchange, from 1767 until 2000. View Windsor Locks City Guide
Finding a short-term apartment in Windsor Locks takes some leg work to find the right location, price point, and lease terms. You may need to rent a short-term apartment due to a new job, a relationship change, or to explore a new city before committing to staying. Whatever the reason, short-term apartments can provide the flexibility that traditional leases don’t.
Before signing a rental agreement or short-term apartment lease, study all of the details thoroughly. Renters usually have more restrictions and rules to follow when renting a short-term apartment. For starters, you usually can’t make modifications like painting or hanging pictures.
Short-term apartments are ideal for flexibility, but also don’t protect the renter long-term. You could face the possibility of rent increases on a monthly basis. The landlord could also decline to renew your lease and leave you looking for another short-term rental.
If your main priority is flexibility, a short-term apartment is an ideal situation. However, ensure that you fully understand the rental agreement terms before signing.