It's onion country around here -- don't cry! Idaho may be famous for potatoes, but onions are the most noticeable crop grown around Weiser. On a hot afternoon, the smell of freshly growing onions wafts through this part of the Snake River Valley.
Located a little upriver from Farewell Bend -- where settlers on the Oregon Trail left the Snake River behind and headed through open country -- Weiser grew up around transportation
It's onion country around here -- don't cry! Idaho may be famous for potatoes, but onions are the most noticeable crop grown around Weiser. On a hot afternoon, the smell of freshly growing onions wafts through this part of the Snake River Valley.
Located a little upriver from Farewell Bend -- where settlers on the Oregon Trail left the Snake River behind and headed through open country -- Weiser grew up around transportation. The railroad came through and boosted that role. The plentiful irrigation waters available from both the Snake and Weiser Rivers meant farmers could take advantage of the good soil. Just over 5,500 residents now call the town home and use the river to help bring life to the dry, arid, high-desert climate. Don't drink from the hose in these parts -- most lawns are green because homes utilize the same system the farms do for accessing river water and residences have a separate supply for home use.
Moving to Weiser
It's not really close enough to the Boise area to be considered a suburb. If you are moving here, you're likely looking for work, school, or the like near here as well. Ontario, Oregon is close enough for a relatively easy commute, but it is over an hour's drive to Boise. Like many agricultural communities, the number of vacant units available at any given time tends to run above the national average. The fact that there are apartment rentals to be found shouldn't draw you into being complacent, however. The limited number of total properties means you have to be proactive to get the place you really want. First, last, and security deposit should be part of the plan and a good credit check helps land the best deals in your search for apartments in Weiser.
Neighborhoods in Weiser
The oldest part of the community was laid out in rectangular grid fashion along the river. That now merges with newer sections that essentially have been formed from farm fields as Weiser has expanded.
Downtown and Old Town: Like many rural western towns with a long history going back to before early pioneer days, there are many historic buildings. It's also a good place to begin a search for studio apartments or perhaps a short-term rental on serviced apartments.
North: The part of the community that reaches up to the grassy brown foothills is a mixture of residential homes. Here you will find the ball fields at Memorial Park and a couple of larger apartment complexes.
East: The east side of U.S. Highway 95 is primarily made up of single-family homes that have been here for awhile and have established landscaping in the yards. It's a promising part of town to look for a duplex for rent.
Living in Weiser
Located near the top of Idaho's Treasure Valley, Weiser is a land built around the life-sustaining waters of the rivers. Although the climate is very dry, the nearby mountains support forests and winter snows. The wild country is full of isolated hiking and biking trails that virtually demand exploration. Get off your tush and give the pedals a push! For great local food, try Synnove's Kitchen for flavors of Scandinavia, sample home style fare at Homestead Cafe, or the Golden Horse for tasty Chinese. There's not a lot of nightlife right in town, but for a night's recreation it's not too far to go to Boise, which offers a population of around 100,000 and a taste of the city life.