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Lindenhurst grew from land owned by a wealthy farmer, Ernest E. Lehman. There were two rows of Linden trees planted near his farm house, which is where the name Lindenhurst originated.
Lindenhurst, Illinois is a thriving community, built to preserve the area's natural beauty. Filled with parks and lakes, marshlands and forests, the village is also home to about 14,500 citizens (2010 U.S. Census data). Boasting about 40 neighborhood associations and community groups, Lindenhurst is a thriving community, built to preserve the area's natural beauty. Lindenhurst has a very low crime rate, average air quality, and extremely low poverty rate of just two and a half percent. The village boasts a higher than average number of rooms in both their housing units (over seven rooms per house), as well as apartment units (over four rooms per apartment). View Lindenhurst City Guide