Bobby Klaus, infielder for the New York Mets, was born here. Batter up!
Spring Grove, Illinois, is one of those quaint little towns where you can find everything you need along with friendly people, plenty of fun things to do and very little stress
Bobby Klaus, infielder for the New York Mets, was born here. Batter up!
Spring Grove, Illinois, is one of those quaint little towns where you can find everything you need along with friendly people, plenty of fun things to do and very little stress
View Spring Grove City GuideBobby Klaus, infielder for the New York Mets, was born here. Batter up!
Spring Grove, Illinois, is one of those quaint little towns where you can find everything you need along with friendly people, plenty of fun things to do and very little stress
Bobby Klaus, infielder for the New York Mets, was born here. Batter up!
Spring Grove, Illinois, is one of those quaint little towns where you can find everything you need along with friendly people, plenty of fun things to do and very little stress. If you like a quieter life, then this might be the best move you ever make. It's largely rural, so there is plenty of space for hiking, biking and contemplation. There are several great spots for fishing and you will get to know your neighbors. Welcome home!
Housing is historically rather tight in this area, so as soon as you know you are moving, you'll want to begin your apartment search. You will need to be open to other housing options such as a small rental house or duplex. This will increase your odds of finding a nice place faster. While it is always a landlords' market, this is a small town and handshake renting is not unusual. Credit checks are cursory if they are done at all. When you find a place you like, a check with your obligatory first and last month's rent and security deposit and pet deposit, if applicable, are more important than what your 3rd grade teacher thought of your artwork. Be prepared for paying the deposits to utility companies as well. If you happen to be moving from one place in Illinois to another, you might get a break on the deposits so be sure and ask about local loyalty.You would have to work pretty hard to move any further north in Illinois: if you trip, you could land in Wisconsin. Keep that in mind when packing because it gets cold here! Winter is not a great time to move unless you have no other choice. Expect it to be cold and icy more often than not. The other side of that is summers are great. They have enough hot days to make spending time on the lakes and rivers enjoyable, but they are rarely hot enough to reach the triple digits.
When you move to a town with less than 6,000 people, you can hardly expect the strict neighborhood designations of a major city. In fact, Spring Grove is small enough that there aren't even many neighborhoods used as real estate or school designations. But there are a couple of areas that are worth noting in regards to rental properties. Chain O' Lakes: This is a rural area where you will find plenty of water, canoes and single family homes. If you are looking for an apartment complex you will want to look elsewhere; single family homes for rent or sale are the rule in this area. They average three to four bedrooms with large yards and wildlife in the form of raccoons, squirrels and rabbits is common. Richardson: Another primarily rural part of Spring Grove, but it's closer to the town center and you will find there are more rental houses in this area. Most are single family homes but you might luck into a one-bedroom apartment for rent if you look long enough. As you move closer to the heart of Spring Grove, you will start seeing chain restaurants, shopping centers and other amenities. Spring Grove Proper: This is the center of the village. Most homes here are single family and owner occupied. If you want to live here you will want to start looking for a place as soon as you know you are moving to Spring Grove. Most homes in this area are mid-sized three to four bedroom places, though you might find both smaller and larger homes available at times.
Outdoor activities are the biggest draw here. With the high number of rivers and lakes, water sports such as canoeing, fishing, swimming and boating are popular. There are nearly a dozen parks in this area for your enjoyment. Pack yourself a picnic and set out exploring your new village!