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"Oh, the sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home/Young folks roll on the floor /Oh, the sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home /Keep them hard times away from my door." (- Johnny Cash, "My Old Kentucky Home")
Covington, Kentucky, is often referred to as a second-class city, but that's not due to its status in its resident’s eyes. Instead, it just refers to its population; a second-class city has a population between 20,000 and 99,000. Besides that, it is a thriving urban area within easy reach of the Ohio River and the Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area, which consists of nine different counties from three different states. Perhaps best of all, Covington is not only a popular residential area but also an up-and-coming community for businesses of all sizes. View Covington City Guide
Finding apartments with a washer and dryer in Covington offers more freedom and flexibility to your weekends. Throwing in the laundry before work or a Saturday afternoon bike ride and finishing it up later is inconvenient, if not impossible, without your own set-up.
There are a few things to keep in mind while looking for apartments with a washer and dryer in Covington. Ask how old the appliances are before you sign. A washer and dryer over 10-years-old may need to be serviced regularly or have an expired warranty. You should also ask the property management who services the washer and dryer. Some leases stipulate that the landlord will pay for repairs to an essential appliance like oven or refrigerator, but require the tenant to service the washer and dryer.
Finding apartments with a washer and dryer in Covington can go quickly, so come prepared with your bank statements, pay stubs, identification, and letters of recommendation to sign your new lease.