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City Guide for Mount Kisco, NY

"Disco, disco, disco. I am going to Mount Kisco. I am going to buy Crisco. To bake a cake so I can disco, disco, disco" (Bill Joy, 'How Long Are You Staying').

How long will you be in town? You certainly need a lot of time to eat sweets, write absurd song lyrics and disco. That's what Mount Kisco brings. Home to 10,877 residents, Mount Kisco is more than just a place that Bill Joy (not the computer scientist) mentioned in a song because it rhymed with disco. The town features beautiful rolling hills, a thriving downtown scene and a train station to get around the region. Within striking distance of New York City, Mount Kisco boasts great golf and food as well. Perhaps that's why more folks are unpacking their bags here. Or perhaps it's just because they want to disco, disco, disco, in Mount Kisco! You see? It rhymes. View Mount Kisco City Guide