Massachusetts Off-Campus Apartments For Rent
Find your perfect off-campus apartment by choosing your school below
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1 of 80
21 Units Available
35 Lomasney Way, Boston, MA 02114
West End
618 sqft
1 Bedroom
618 sqft
2 Bedrooms
1059 sqft
1 of 44
7 Units Available
50 Malden St, Boston, MA 02118
South End
1 Bedroom
701 sqft
2 Bedrooms
706 sqft
1 of 55
23 Units Available
Troy Boston
55 Traveler Street, Boston, MA 02118
South End
420 sqft
1 Bedroom
516 sqft
2 Bedrooms
778 sqft
1 of 53
8 Units Available
315 ON A
315 A Street, Boston, MA 02210
D Street - West Broadway
591 sqft
1 Bedroom
655 sqft
2 Bedrooms
1107 sqft
All Colleges and Universities
- American International College
- Amherst College
- Babson College
- Becker College
- Berklee College of Music
- Boston College
- Boston University
- Brandeis University
- Bridgewater State University
- Bristol Community College
- Bunker Hill Community College
- Clark University
- Curry College
- Dean College
- Emerson College
- Emmanuel College
- Endicott College
- Fisher College
- Fitchburg State University
- Framingham State University
- Harvard University
- Hult International Business School
- Lasell College
- Lesley University
- Massachusetts Bay Community College
- Massachusetts College of Art and Design
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- MCPHS University
- MGH Institute of Health Professions
- Mount Ida College
- Northeastern University
- Northeastern University Professional Advancement Network
- Northern Essex Community College
- Quincy College
- Quinsigamond Community College
- Roxbury Community College
- Salem State University
- Simmons College
- Springfield College
- Suffolk University
- Tufts University
- University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester
- University of Massachusetts-Amherst
- University of Massachusetts-Lowell
- Wentworth Institute of Technology
- Western New England University
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute