Though West Point grads may not know it, they owe their diplomas to this town's namesake. In 1787 Isaac Van Wert participated in the capture of an associate of Benedict Arnold who had plans to arrange the surrender of the military academy to British soldiers, thus saving that institution's history from much embarrassment.
When describing the thrilling and spy-laden historical events that lead to its name, elders of the town are known to say it was "like an episode of that show Alias only with more explosions and less Jennifer Garner." A couple centuries later, members of this city of 10,000 are more likely to celebrate their status as the "Peony Capital of the World." Several European cities once laid claim to the same accolade, but the matter was conclusively settled in 2003 when Jennifer Garner advised those upstart Old Worlders to "step off and recognize."
Moving to Van Wert
The city is also the seat of its identically named County, so if you're looking for rental homes in Van Wert, you're guaranteed to have a ringside seat to all the thrills and chills of every zoning hearing and easement assessment that comes along.
Newcomers to the town would do well to hook themselves up with City Hall and the Van Wert Historical society. These folks take a lot of pride in their town, and are absolutely bursting with information about all of its amenities, attractions and businesses.
Forget the Peonies, Look at These Prices!
As in many smaller cities in the region, one of the greatest appeals here is the stunningly affordable nature of Van Wert apts for rent. Gorgeous properties are often available for a fraction of the amount you'd spend in a larger metropolis, and the view's guaranteed to be better on top of it. After all, nothing validates a decision to move to Ohio like beautifully manicured apartment complexes whose rent rates would barely cover a dinner tab in Manhattan.
Enough Bustle to Keep Even Jennifer Garner Entertained
Don't let the area's charmingly small town vibe fool you into thinking that it's all crickets and bingo games. Fittingly for a county seat, Van Wert manages to pack a surprising amount of fun and frolic into its seven square miles. With plenty of shopping districts, more parks than you can shake a stick at, theaters, museums and even its own airport, this city offers much more than just its peaceful residential streets.
A Plethora of Multi-Units
In a city this size there are always going to be some very nice detached two-bedroom houses available, but this market is particularly loaded with a ton of beautiful multi-unit apartment buildings. If you're not particularly dedicated to the thought of mowing your own private lawn, it's a great idea to check out one of these complexes.
Neighborhoods in Van Wert
Intent on moving to Van Wert? Check out the neighborhoods below to find your perfect fit.
The Museum District: This neighborhood in the northeast quadrant of the city is a particular focal point for its many small and historical museums. The replica log house at the County Historical Museum is a particular favorite attraction for visitors. The neighborhood also hosts most of the city government's buildings, leading to plenty of walkable business districts and beautiful landscaping. Accordingly, this is a great area to find a restaurant or diner for a relaxing lunch. Lincoln Highway between Balyeat's Coffee Shop and Klosterman pizza is an especially favored stretch for finding a nice meal. Homes in this area tend towards single-units, but plenty of apts for rent are also available.
The Parks District: This neighborhood in the western half of the city is home to Wesley Park and Smiley Park, two of the city's largest. It also contains a good chunk of the city's apartment complexes. With the bustling Ervin Road shopping district and Van Wert County Fairgrounds just to the south, it's a great place to spend the day if you're looking to split your time between hot-plastic shopping sprees and bucolic picnics next to duck ponds.
Living in Van Wert
Though the larger metropolis of Fort Wayne is only a half hour away, you're pretty likely to find everything you need within Van Wert's city limits. Small and charming it may be, but this is no sleepy burgh. Its retail sector is extensive, several theaters keep the blockbusters rolling in, and there are plenty of options for wining and dining. When it comes right down to it, Van Wert offers the best of all worlds. Plenty of quiet neighborhoods with rolling farmland on the horizon, plenty of busy commerce and entertaining diversions to be found, and plenty of rental properties available at a price that'll be very hard to beat.