Like large parties with an agricultural and historic bent? Then you'll love Ephrata, PA, home of the largest street fair in the state of Pennsylvania, the Emphrata Fair, which has been providing good times to attendees for 95 years.
Set in the midst of the farmlands of Lancaster County, Ephrata is a bustling little town
Like large parties with an agricultural and historic bent? Then you'll love Ephrata, PA, home of the largest street fair in the state of Pennsylvania, the Emphrata Fair, which has been providing good times to attendees for 95 years.
Set in the midst of the farmlands of Lancaster County, Ephrata is a bustling little town. With a great mix of residences, commerce and industry, it's a town where many of the residents stick around, even with the draw of metropolitan Lancaster and Philadelphia and the political power of Harrisburg nearby. The community is very close yet is friendly toward outsiders and welcomes newcomers with open arms.
Moving to Ephrata
For a small agricultural town, Ephrata is surprisingly walkable, regardless of the neighborhood you're checking out rental apartments in. You'll still want a vehicle, as public transportation is sporadic -- Red Rose Transit provides a handful of fixed routes throughout town and in to Lancaster, but they are intermittent at best.
Downtown Ephrata is bustling, with restaurants, shops and community functions all in walking distance of the apartments for rent and townhouses for rent in this neighborhood. The North Side is a bit more spread out, with plenty of strip malls and industry. Most rental units in this area will be single-family houses or duplexes for rent. The Southwest, down towards Akron, is a thorough mix of townhouses, single-family houses and apartment complexes. If you're looking for a home for rent in Ephrata but don't want to live in a busy area, this is your best bet.
The Lancaster region has been continually growing, so you may need to give yourself a little extra lead time. Make sure you have references on hand, as well as a couple of paystubs, to move the paperwork along. Thankfully, security deposits will be low and you may even be able to grab a month to month lease.
Living in Ephrata
Although there are no set neighborhoods in Ephrata, it still has plenty in town or right outside of town to keep residents busy. The Ephrata Fair, which shuts down Main Street for a week every fall, draws folks from throughout the country. Pick up some of the famous Fair cheeseburgers or the Lancaster classic, the Whoopie Pie.
Living in Ephrata means you're living in the midst of one of the top agricultural communities in the nation. You can find fresh produce throughout the season, all raised locally. The Green Dragon is a combination farmer's market and flea market that is open every Friday, with local produce, crafts, and more for sale. There are lots of small produce stands at the farms throughout the area as well, where you can grab fresh produce throughout the weak.
Ephrata does all okay in terms of places to eat and shop. The restaurants are mainly standard American fare with Dutch Country dishes, although you can find the odd Chinese, Mexican and Colombian shops. The town even has it's own brewery - Saint Boniface Craft Brewing Company produces highly touted beers that you can pick up at their tap room in town.
The town also provides for the arts. Ephrata Performing Arts Center (EPAC) and the Main Theater are home to movies, plays and music events throughout the year. EPAC also has acting classes for all ages, so everyone can get involved.