How Much Do Utilities Cost? Most & Least Expensive Cities

April 6, 2022

Looking into moving to a new city? If you're still mulling over a few cities to make your next home, you're likely considering the cost of living.

Housing costs, taxes, and groceries all play a role in a city's cost of living, but an expense that often goes overlooked is the utility bill.

The average utility bill varies city to city and state to state. Before making your move, get to know how much your future utility bill may cost.

These are the U.S. cities with the most and least expensive utilities.

Aerial view of Manhattan Financial District Skyline from New York Harbor

Cities With the Most Expensive Utilities

Learn about the cities with the highest utility costs across the country that. Be sure to budget for these high costs when planning your move!

New York, NY

  • The average utility cost in New York, NY is $283.65
  • The average electricity cost in New York, NY is $144.72
  • The average gas cost in New York, NY is $83.44

Despite its location in the Northeast, New York’s weather is a bit atypical. The Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean do a lot to keep the city warmer in the winter months. However, they also contribute to high humidity in the summer.

New York’s high cost of living includes high utility costs. If you're looking to save, it’s a good idea to look for apartments with utilities included in the rent.

Los Angeles, CA

  • The average utility cost in Los Angeles is $283.64
  • The average electricity cost in Los Angeles is $139.16
  • The average gas cost in Los Angeles is $47.38

Los Angeles offers residents a little taste of the Mediterranean weather. Folks in Los Angeles experience nice, warm weather year-round with temperatures that rarely drop below 50℉. Unfortunately, the city’s high cost of living extends to utility costs.

Chicago, IL

  • The average utility cost in Chicago is $238.69
  • The average electricity cost in Chicago is $110.49
  • The average gas cost in Chicago is $47.38

Chicago experiences cold winters with lots of snow, especially near the Lake Michigan coastline. Additionally, the city is prone to heatwaves in the summer. These weather patterns require residents to run their heating and cooling ragged throughout the year.

Dallas, TX

  • The average utility cost in Dallas** is $261.05
  • The average electricity cost in Dallas is $169.77
  • The average gas cost in Dallas** is $31.15

Although Dallas is located in the northern section of Texas, the city is very hot. You’ll find that there are plenty of days where temperatures will exceed 100°F. With that kind of heat, it’s no wonder cooling costs are so high.

Houston, TX

  • The average utility cost in Houston is $240.15
  • The average electricity cost in Houston is $165.16
  • The average gas cost in Houston is $28.30

Hot and humid, Houston has a bit more of the typical sunny Texas weather most attributed to the state. In addition, the city experiences very mild winters, so temps are warm pretty much year-round. The end result is high cooling costs that most residents dread.

Philadelphia, PA

  • The average utility cost in Philadelphia, PA is $278.80
  • The average electricity cost in Philadelphia, PA is $144.67
  • The average gas cost in Philadelphia, PA is $71.84

As another humid continental climate-driven city, Philadelphia experiences its fair share of hot summers and cold winters. Temps dip below freezing during winter, so you’ll have to make use of your apartment’s heating. The city’s hot, humid summers will likely tax your A/C as well.

Atlanta, GA

  • The average utility cost in Atlanta, GA is $249.78
  • The average electricity cost in Atlanta, GA is $149.91
  • The average gas cost in Atlanta, GA is $58.15

Atlanta has earned its reputation as one of the best cities for singles, with its warm weather, young population, and wealth of entertainment options. However, you’ll need to prepare your budget for the city’s high utility rates before making the move. Atlanta’s warm temperatures go a long way toward driving up utility bills.

Washington, DC

  • The average utility cost in Washington, DC is $251.06
  • The average electricity cost in Washington, DC is $144.79
  • The average gas cost in Washington, DC is $54.36

Washington, DC is another city that experiences four full seasons throughout the year. While this is great for renters looking for some variety, running your heat in the winter and your A/C in the summer will reflect poorly on your utility bills.

Miami, FL

  • The average utility cost in Miami, FL is $218.97
  • The average electricity cost in Miami, FL is $160.05
  • The average gas cost in Miami, FL is $5.72

Miami doesn’t experience anything that looks remotely like winter, at least to a Northeasterner. That’s a huge plus for renters looking for warm weather year-round. The downside of this pleasant weather is that you’ll likely have to keep your A/C running at all times, hence the high utility rates.

Boston, MA

  • The average utility cost in Boston, MA is $302.88
  • The average electricity cost in Boston, MA is $144.90
  • The average gas cost in Boston, MA is $79.25

Although the harsh and precipitous New England winter phenomenon is largely responsible for Boston’s place on this list, the city also fully experiences each of the four seasons. Boston residents should expect high A/C usage in the summer. They should also expect shoveling and high heating costs in the colder months.

Reno Arch in the Morning

Cities With the Least Expensive Utilities

Thinking of moving to one of these cities? You're in luck! These are the 10 cities with the lowest utility costs.

Reno, NV

  • The average utility cost in Reno, NV is $211.07
  • The average electricity cost in Reno, NV is $104.16
  • The average gas cost in Reno, NV is $47.97

Reno is a super sunny place, even on its cooler winter days. Although temperatures get hot during the summer months, the winter months get pretty cold. Despite the need to run A/C pretty constantly in the summer, Reno retains some of the lowest utility rates in the country.

Augusta, GA

  • The average utility cost in Augusta, GA is $263.90
  • The average electricity cost in Augusta, GA is $176.77
  • The average gas cost in Augusta, GA is $44.24

Augusta is humid all year, and the city’s hot summers can get sweaty. As a Southern city, Augusta doesn’t experience a ton of rain or snow. However, the city’s temperature changes keep utility rates low. Augusta’s day and night (diurnal) temperatures differ greatly, which is awesome news for those looking to avoid the dreaded night sweat phenomenon.

Lafayette, LA

  • The average utility cost in Lafayette, LA is $224.16
  • The average electricity cost in Lafayette, LA is $163.15
  • The average gas cost in Lafayette, LA is $25.18

As a thriving Southern city, Lafayette’s hot, humid summers don’t come as a surprise. Moreover, the city’s winters are very warm, albeit wet. But that doesn’t mean your A/C will be working overtime. You’ll be able to go without overworking your heating in the winter months as the mean temperature is around 55℉ throughout the winter.

Lancaster, PA

  • The average utility cost in Lancaster, PA is $229.29
  • The average electricity cost in Lancaster, PA is $135.10
  • The average gas cost in Lancaster, PA is $40.93

Lancaster gets pretty cold during winter, though summers are far more manageable without getting too hot. You’ll find it easy to stay cool in the summer months, which is one of the main drivers behind Lancaster’s low utility costs.

Chattanooga, TN

  • The average utility cost in Chattanooga, TN is $217.44
  • The average electricity cost in Chattanooga, TN is $149.02
  • The average gas cost in Chattanooga, TN is $28.97

The Scenic City stays pretty year-round. Chattanooga experiences four seasons with warm (not hot) summers and very mild winters. Don’t expect a ton of snow either. Chattanooga keeps utility costs low solely by virtue of its middle-of-the-road weather.

Springfield, MA

  • The average utility cost in Springfield, MA is $283.68
  • The average electricity cost in Springfield, MA is $148.74
  • The average gas cost in Springfield, MA is $70.51

Despite the name, it’s not eternally Spring in Springfield, Massachusetts. This northeastern city experiences the full brunt of four distinct seasons. The upside here is that your HVAC system won’t have to strain, since the weather doesn’t get too cold or hot. The downside is that during the storm season, the area is prone to getting pounded with snow.

Myrtle Beach, SC

  • The average utility cost in Myrtle Beach, SC is $215.77
  • The average electricity cost in Myrtle Beach, SC is $161.33
  • The average gas cost in Myrtle Beach, SC is $14.35

This tourist destination is known for its long, hot summers and popular beach. Living in Myrtle Beach means you’ll spend less time indoors and more time cooling down by the ocean. Better yet, winters are very mild and on the warmer side. In short, your utility bills will remain low throughout the year.

Youngstown, OH

  • The average utility cost in Youngstown, OH is $222.30
  • The average electricity cost in Youngstown, OH is $114.38
  • The average gas cost in Youngstown, OH is $62.69

Summers in Youngstown are perfect for those who don’t enjoy blazing heat, as the summers are quite mild. Winters are a different story, as temperatures cool significantly. The city’s mild weather is perfect for those looking to save on their utility bill.

Portland, OR

  • The average utility cost in Portland, OR is $261.63
  • The average electricity cost in Portland, OR is $118.66
  • The average gas cost in Portland, OR is $56.47

Portland is known for its wet, dreary winters. However, summers are a lot more fun with warm weather and some days of sunshine. Fortunately, it doesn’t get too hot or cold during the year in Portland, so residents rarely overuse their heating and cooling systems.

Stockton, CA

  • The average utility cost in Stockton, CA is $304.80
  • The average electricity cost in Stockton, CA is $172.31
  • The average gas cost in Stockton, CA is $66.29

Stockton’s water rates have increased since 2016, with more increases planned up to 2025. Additionally, Stockton has a new “owner-only” system in which property owners are responsible for utility charges. As a result, tenants can expect bills mailed to their apartment or higher rent rates that reflect the shift.

Average Utility Bills Across US Cities

Not sure how much utilites cost in your future city? Find your city in the below table to see how much utilites cost in the area.

CitiesAverage Electricity BillAverage Gas BillAverage Water BillAverage Fuel BillTotal Average Utility Bill
New York, NY$144.72$83.44$39.70$15.80$283.65
Los Angeles, CA$139.16$47.38$58.68$0.45$245.67
Chicago, IL$110.49$79.70$47.92$0.58$238.69
Dallas, TX$169.77$31.15$59.63$0.50$261.05
Houston, TX$165.16$28.30$46.20$0.49$240.15
Philadelphia, PA$144.67$71.84$48.82$13.46$278.80
Atlanta, GA$149.91$58.15$40.86$0.86$249.78
Washington, DC$144.79$54.36$47.41$4.50$251.06
Miami, FL$160.05$5.72$52.87$0.33$218.97
Boston, MA$144.90$79.25$49.16$29.57$302.88

Need more budgeting help? Learn how much utilities are in an apartment.

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Davina Ward
Davina G. Ward is an esteemed journalist and expert on the apartment rental market. Read More

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