Dating Your Neighbor: The Pros and Cons to Consider

If you live in one of the best cities for dating, you may have plenty of choices through your personal network or dating apps. But whether or not you regularly date or are still looking for someone special, you may find a cute neighbor you’re interested in getting to know better.
Before you decide to make the first move, you should consider the pros and cons of dating a neighbor or someone in your apartment community. This article will help you decide if dating a neighbor is a good idea and how to make the best choice for you.
Pros of Dating a Neighbor
Cozying up with your neighbor comes with plenty of perks. Here’s some of the advantages to consider when making your decision.
Living Close to One Another
If you're asking yourself, "Should I date my neighbor," consider how close you want to be. If you love having your significant other right next door or around the hall corner, you’ll love being in a relationship with someone in your apartment complex.
Exploring Common Interests
The first signs your neighbor likes you could tie back to your common interests. Whether you both enjoy working out, drinking on the apartment rooftop, or getting creative with apartment gardening, you have plenty of opportunities to share some fun with a neighbor you're dating.
Quality Time Before Getting Serious
When your partner is also your neighbor, you have the opportunity to spend more quality time together. You no longer need to worry about coordinating schedules and traveling long distances, as you're already in close proximity. This proximity can provide a sense of comfort and ease when it comes to planning time together, allowing you to focus on building a deeper connection with your partner.
Cons of Dating a Neighbor
Dating your next door neighbor isn’t always a good idea, especially if you’re concerned about fights and break-ups. Here are some cons to consider before moving forward with a relationship.
Lack of Boundaries
It's difficult to establish boundaries when someone you date lives right next door or in the same apartment complex. Make sure you establish some rules for dating a neighbor, like how often you'll see one another, how much space you need, and whether or not you plan to keep seeing other people.
Things Moving Too Quickly
It's not uncommon to start out saying, "I have a crush on my neighbor," and then suddenly ramp up to seeing them every day. Then, the next thing you know, things get serious in an instant. When someone lives next door or on your floor, it's easy for things to move too quickly. Remember to do things at a healthy pace and create boundaries with one another to set your relationship up for success.
Breaking Up Can Be Awkward
Breaking up is never fun in any relationship, but it can be especially awkward when you’re dating a neighbor. You’ll inevitably run into them and have to witness each other’s new relationships. Make sure you can handle the bit of awkwardness involved and be as patient with one another as possible.
Too Much Company
There’s such a thing as having too much company around, especially if you enjoy time on your own. In terms of dating your neighbor, this can lead to feelings of suffocation or an imbalance in the relationship, as one partner may feel like they're giving more than they're receiving.
Take the time to build in time for yourself throughout your week to get a breath of fresh air. There’s never anything wrong with prioritizing yourself first, and any good partner will be able to respect that.
Final Thoughts
Dating a neighbor comes with lots to consider. But if things do work out and you both decide you’re ready to move in together, turn to Apartment List to find the apartment of your dreams.
Dating Your Neighbor FAQs
What Are Some Signs Your Neighbor Likes You?
If you’re hoping your cute neighbor is interested in you, there are signs they might like you.
- They go out of their way to stop and talk in common areas
- They act giggly or nervous when talking
- They break the touch barrier and brush up against you or lightly touch your arm
- They make excuses to see you, such as borrowing something
- They drop hints or ask if you’re dating someone
How Can You Break The Ice with a New Neighbor?
There are plenty of ways to break the ice with a new neighbor and get to know them better. Ask them where they moved from, about their job and interests, or decide to wash your clothes at the same time they do in the shared laundry room.
How Do You Ask Your Neighbor to Hang Out?
Getting up the courage to ask out a neighbor can be intimidating, but doesn’t have to be. Throw a small gathering and ask your neighbor to join. Or you can invite them over to watch a football game, special show, or head across the street for a casual coffee.
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