How to Get Rid of Mice in Your Apartment [2023 Guide]

Heard something squeaking around the corners of your apartment? Scary, we know. Dealing with apartment mice is never fun, but getting rid of them as soon as possible is essential. So we’ve put together the ultimate guide on how to drive those little rodents away. Here is how to get rid of mice in your apartment.
1. Identify The Issue
You probably didn’t wake up one day and decide your apartment had a rat problem. Most likely, there was one or more of the following tell-tale signs:
- Sound: You probably heard the mice squeaking, scratching, and running somewhere in your cupboards or the attic. Unpleasant, to say the least.
- Droppings: You’ve noticed droppings, which look like pellets, most likely around the kitchen and pantry area. Unfortunately, this also means that the mice have also found a food source. Uh-oh!
- Smell: Maybe you smelled something musky around the house. That’s mouse urine. The stronger the smell, the more likely it is that that’s where the nest is located.
- Holes: Noticing your grains pouring out of bags? That’s probably from their little teeth making holes in bags to get to the goodies inside.
2. Inform Your Landlord
Once you’ve identified the problem and are certain you're dealing with mice, let your landlord or the property manager know. Of course, they don’t want mice on their property either, so they may call pest control to help you figure out how to get a mouse out of your apartment.
3. Set Humane Mouse Traps
If you opt to trap the mouse, you will have to invite them into a humane trap with a treat and then let them get caught. These are perfect for getting rid of mice in apartments without causing harm.
4. Explore All-Natural Repellents
Knowing how to handle mice humanely is also important. Consider natural repellents, like a bowl with peanut butter oil at the bottom or kitty litter.
5. Store Food Away Properly
Understanding what attracts mice to an apartment is crucial. You can prevent them from temptation by using air-tight containers instead, preventing the mice from following the scent of tasty treats in your pantry and keeping their teeth at bay.
6. Close Floor and Wall Gaps
If you’re unsure what to do if you have mice in your apartment, start by identifying entry points. However, don’t try to close off entry points on your own - you might risk being bitten by one of the culprits. While you should let pest control deal with the issue, it will save you and their time if they can get straight to the root of the problem.
7. Keep Your Apartment Clean
If you don’t want to figure out how to _deal _with mice, start by removing possible hiding spots. You can do so by increasing visibility and cleaning up. Put away those piles of clothes, dust and vacuum regularly, wash the dishes, and don’t let your pairs of shoes add up by the door.
8. Always Dispose of Garbage
Make sure your trash can has a lid to block in the scent and keep food scraps out of reach. Throwing the trash away regularly prevents that bin lid from staying open and inviting mice for a feast.
9. Turn to Cat Friends
Is your apartment pet friendly?
If so, consider getting a cat. Cats are natural predators of mice, keeping them at bay.
10. Reduce Potential Hiding Spots
Where do mice hide? The short answer is anywhere! Mice can’t chew through steel wool, so if you come across a hole, as a preventative measure, barricade it with this material until a more permanent solution can be put into place.
11. Get Professional Advice
At the end of the day, if you don’t know what to do with a mouse in your apartment, turn to the professionals. And, of course, if you plan to use any pesticides, enlist their help to avoid any hazards.
Final Thoughts
As a renter, you should know what to do to avoid having mice in your apartment. Consider looking for pet-friendly apartments or any of the other helpful tips on our list. And if you’re searching for an apartment, check out our online quiz today to get matched to listings specific to your wants and needs!
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