5 Excuses to Keep Your Christmas Tree Up Longer

December 27, 2018

Photo by Free-Photos on Pixabay

If you are anything like us, every year right after Christmas you have to listen to kill-joy comments from your friends and family about not taking your Christmas tree out immediately after the holiday. To make your holiday season more enjoyable this year, we put together a list of perfect excuses to justify your keeping your tree up a bit longer than usual.

Bring back the OG Christmas. Did you know that according to the Julian calendar, which predates the currently observed Gregorian calendar, Christmas should be celebrated on January 7th? In fact, many countries still do so even while following the Gregorian calendar! So if anyone has ever guilt tripped you for not putting your Christmas tree away on December 26th, now you have a legitimate reason to prolong the holiday until January 7th.

Celebrate 12 days of Christmas. Talking about traditions, many people celebrate the 12 days of Christmas culminating in the Twelfth night on January 5th or, in some countries, the Feast of Epiphany on January 6th. Isn’t this the perfectly good excuse to keep your tree up longer?

Improve your eyesight. Did you know that green is one of the most relaxing colors for your eyes? If you spend all day staring at a computer screen, having something large and green to look at can be beneficial for your eyesight. Of course, buying a plant might be a more practical solution, but that would just be less fun and a longer-term commitment.

Break the record for the longest standing Christmas Tree. If you are having a hard time coming up with cool New Year’s resolutions, breaking the world record for the longest standing Christmas Tree will most likely beat your friends’ “go to the gym 5 times a week” resolution. Keep in mind, though, that you will have to really commit to it. The current record holder Neil Olson of Wausau, WI kept his tree in his living room for four decades. Now his son is continuing the family tradition, so you have a bit of competition.

Just because you want to. Do you really need excuses to prolong the Christmas spirit? Who cares what people think, don’t listen to the Grinches!

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Sania Tran
Sania is a highly skilled content manager and author with a wealth of experience in the apartment rental and real estate markets. As a valued member of the Apartment List team, Sania brings her expertise and insights to a wide range of content, including blog posts, guides, and research reports. Read More

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