Apartment Rent Prices at Legacy Apartments [2024]

October 3, 2024
Explore rent prices at Legacy Apartments and learn how they compare to other nearby communities to help guide your apartment search.

If you're moving to Kansas City, make sure you have the latest rental pricing information and how they measure up to the rest of the market. If you're interested in moving into Legacy Apartments, we looked at their data over the last few years across several units. Here's a look at everything you need to know to make a decision, from what size units are the most affordable and how long they stay on the market.

Note: All of the rental data included here comes from our internal database of rent estimates. We offer rental estimates at the city, state, and national level available for download.

Apartment Rent Prices at Legacy Apartments

Here's a look at our Legacy Apartment rental prices that shows prices are holding steady, but may take some time to secure the unit you want.

Unit Rented MonthBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price SeenUnits
Jan 2024Studio12 days$6951
Feb 2024Studio1117 days$6951
May 2024Studio1171 days$6953
Jul 2024Studio1113 days$6951
Oct 2023117 days$7502
Nov 20231118 days$7501
Jan 20241142 days$7751
Feb 202411107 days$7751
Mar 20241120 days$7753
Apr 20241130 days$7751

For 2024, the rental prices at Legacy Apartments for studios and 1-bedroom units are fairly consistent at $695 and $775, respectively. It's important to point out that their time on market has varied. Studio units have taken up to 171 days to rent, while 1-bedroom units have been on the market for as long as 255 days. Their 2-bedroom units, priced at $915, are also listed for as many as 119 days.

Legacy Apartments - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

Are Apartment Prices Going Up or Down at Legacy Apartments?

Our recent data shows that the overall rental prices at Legacy Apartments in Kansas City are firm without significant increases or decreases.

Unit Rented OnBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price Seen
2024-09-101126 days$775
2024-08-232197 days$915
2024-08-1511227 days$775
2024-08-11215 days$915
2024-08-112125 days$915
2024-08-072156 days$915
2024-08-16Studio13 days$799

Renters can see that Legacy's 1-bedroom units have consistently rented at $775, while 2-bedroom units have held steady at $915. The time on market has also fluctuated with some staying on the market for as long as 227 days. This trend shows potential challenges with availability or demand. Their Studio units also show a relatively quick turnover of just a few days at $799.

When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment at Legacy Apartments?

If you're looking for the best time to rent at Legacy Apartments, the data would suggest their units stay on the market longer in the spring and summer months. Their studio and 1-bedroom units available for as long as 100-250 days in summer. Now if you look at fall and winter, you'll see those apartments tend to move within a few days. Renters who want more options and flexibility should look in the summer months, while fall offers quicker rental turnover.

Legacy Apartments bedroom - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

How Legacy Apartments Compares to Kansas City’s Local Market?

If you're not sure how the rents at Legacy Apartments compare to other apartments in Kansas City, we took a look at the data. We pulled together the average prices and how long they stay on the market to give you a clear idea of what to expect.

Note: Market data includes Kansas City and surrounding areas and is segmented by asset type

BedBathProperty Average Price (% compared to Market)*Property Average Days on Market (% compared to Market)*
Studio1$695 (-33.9%)124 (5%)
11$775 (-38%)110 (15.7%)
21$915 (-18.4%)70 (9.3%)

Legacy Apartments provide more affordable rents when compared to other options in Kansas City. Their studio units priced 33.9% lower than the city's average, and 1-bedroom units even further below at 38% less. Two-bedroom units are also competitively priced and sit at 18.4% below the market average. Renters should remember that the units tend to stay on the market for longer than the city average, especially for studio and one-bedroom apartments. You should have time to consider your options to find the best apartment for your needs.

Apartment Hunting in Kansas City?

If you're looking for your next apartment at Legacy Apartments, you'll find their prices are competitive and fluctuate somewhat. However, they also stay on the market long enough to make a decision. Still not sure which layout or apartment to rent? Take our personalized quiz to find the perfect match for you.

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Tristian Brown
Tristian Brown is a Senior Content Marketing Associate at Apartment List, where he manages high-quality content that helps modern renters find the perfect home. He brings an immense wealth of knowledge to the team, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and European Management from the University of San Diego and EM Strasbourg Business School. Read More
Susan Finch
Susan is an accomplished freelance writer whose passion for rental real estate, travel, and digital marketing has been the driving force behind her nearly 15-year career. Throughout her professional journey, Susan has become a seasoned veteran in creating compelling and informative content focused on the tenant/landlord relationship. Read More

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