Parent Guide to Apartment Living

Whether you’re bringing a baby home for the first time or moving with a whole soccer team of toddlers, getting your home ready for little ones can be daunting. There is a multitude of things you need to consider, everything from cleaning with child-safe products, to child-proofing your home, to finding the best city for your family. In our guide for families you’ll find answers to all your nest-related questions. We’re continuously updating our parent guide so please feel free to let us know if there is any more information that you’re looking for!
What Parents Should Look for in an Apartment?
Looking for a new place to call home? We know that finding a new apartment for your family is tough. There are so many things to pay attention to when searching for a place to settle down. So, we at Apartment List decided to make things simple for you. We compiled a list of things that are important to watch out for when searching for your perfect family apartment.
Which US City Is Best for Families? You Will Never Guess!
Starting a family makes you consider things you probably haven’t given much thought before. Things such as, “Is my neighborhood safe for kids?” or “Are there good schools nearby?” All of a sudden, the answers to these questions are much more important to you than they were before. Sometimes, to have the answers you want, you will have to move to a different city where your family can thrive. Find out which US cities rank best for families in our study.
Rent vs Buy: Advantages of Renting a Home as a Family.
Traditionally, purchasing a home was one of the milestones of the American Dream. Only after becoming a homeowner, one would typically begin thinking about settling down and starting a family.
Waiting until you invest in a house to start a family is no longer a necessity, especially since becoming a homeowner is becoming a less viable plan. People are discovering the upsides of renting and are choosing to do it indefinitely, even with kids. Renting bypasses many burdens associated with homeownership, instead providing financial flexibility, and even helping you spend more time with your kids. Read more of our favorite upsides of renting.
Tips for Child-Proofing Your Apartment.
Congrats on expecting or recently starting out on the path of parenthood! You have lots of things to take care of and you need it to be done quickly, including baby proofing your home. The kitchen, the bathroom, even the nursery - all these rooms have things you need to watch out for. The good news is any existing dangers are easily fixable and preventable. To help you cover your bases, we’ve prepared a checklist to guide you through baby proofing your home.
Guide to Cleaning the House Safely for your Baby.
We want to help you ensure that your closet of cleaning supplies won’t be a hazard for your baby. Think of all the chemicals that each one of those cleaning sprays and wipes contains. Uh-oh! Suddenly, your home seems more like a science lab, rather than a safe space for your little one to explore. So, to keep your baby away from becoming part of a science experiment, we created a guide on all things cleaning related when it comes to children in the home.
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