What is Eclectic Design?

An eclectic design might be the right pick for you if you can’t quite decide on your favorite type of home decor. Eclectic design embraces a bit of everything and is perfect for anyone looking to fill their home with personality.
Although some might consider eclectic design unpredictable, it comes to life through its variety. So, if eclectic design sounds like it might be a good fit for you, keep reading. Here's everything you need to know about eclectic design, its features, benefits, and how to bring it to life in your apartment.
What Is Eclectic Design?
Rather than following a strict set of rules and trends like other design styles, eclectic design is known for having a little bit of everything. In addition, because of its variable nature, eclectic style can mean something different to each person. All in all, following an eclectic interior design style means you are filling your home with visual interest.
Eclectic design highlights various eras and movements in history with layered interior design. It allows for freedom and experimentation in your decor, including unique features outside of the norm, such as:
- Contrasting colors
- Juxtaposing textures
- Disparate styles
History of Eclectic Design
The word itself is nothing new, but in speaking of eclectic design specifically, this is a more modern approach to interior design. The origins of eclectic design date back to the late 19th century or early 20th century.
Historically, architectural pioneers of this time weren’t interested in adhering to a specific design style and instead branched out on their own. Ironically enough, this design trend became popular enough to become its own decorating style.
From the architectural styling of this time, eclecticism transformed into any interior design style.
Characteristics of Eclectic Design
Eclectic design does not adhere to any specific set of design styles or rules, though it is characterized by its lack thereof. Primarily, eclectic design is accomplished by mixing and matching multiple home designs to create a purposeful and cohesive theme throughout a home.
As you can imagine, defining the characteristics of eclectic design is no easy feat. However, there are some trends and commonalities you may find in this design style.
The colors found in eclectic design are one of the main variables of this style. As a result, the palette can vary greatly, encompassing hues that display an individual’s personality above all else.
If you’re just getting started with an eclectic design, beginning with a few neutral colors is recommended. Neutrals will help you tie everything together and ground some of the bolder pieces in a room to avoid getting lost.
One of the signature characteristics of an eclectic design is the blending of various patterns. Of course, anyone knows that patterns rarely match one another. But, the mentality of an eclectic designer is to create purposeful combinations rather than perfect matches.
Patterns aren’t the only level of layers in an eclectic space. Fabrics can be used, either patterned, textured, or both, to help mix different design styles. The key is to stick with a primary color scheme when choosing your fabrics. And, when all else fails, don’t forget to use neutrals as your grounding force.
Global Influences
An eclectic design style is especially beneficial to those who enjoy travel. On your worldly travels, picking up trinkets with tales is an excellent way to help furnish and decorate your space. You can even seek inspiration through some thoughtfully sourced pieces from your travels.
Speaking of purposeful decor, the furniture found in an eclectic design space should have its place. There should still be a hint of unexpected touches throughout any eclectic room, though. Some ideas to accomplish this might be items like:
- Clear stools for a breakfast bar
- Vintage trunks for coffee tables
Tips to Bring Eclectic Design Into Your Apartment
Here is a quick guide for a more specific approach to bringing eclectic design into your apartment.
Eclectic Bedroom
Don’t be afraid to start mixing and matching, even when contrasting colors. Bring bright tones and bold hues to your bedroom through various furniture pieces and materials. Here are a few areas you can kick up the color in an eclectic bedroom:
- Sheer-orange linen curtains
- Marigold tasseled bedspread
- Burnt orange throw pillows
- Lime green stool
To help ground some of the vibrant colors of your room, opt for a neutral headboard, area rug, and dresser. The combination of vibrant against neutrals will help make the colors pop without feeling too overwhelming.
Eclectic Living Room
A gallery wall is an excellent addition to any living room, especially for those looking to follow an eclectic design style. Rather than sticking to matching art and frames, try mixing it up to give it an eclectic feel. Incorporating various textures and colors help to bring the boho feeling to life.
You can also use your living room to showcase your worldly accents picked up through your travels. Whether it’s souvenirs from foreign places or thrifted items, carefully place them without making your living room look too cluttered.
Eclectic Bathroom
Expect the unexpected with an eclectic design style. Since the bathroom is tucked away, it gives you ample opportunity to experiment with unique designs. Consider something funky, like adding koi fish wallpaper to your bathroom for added color, light, and fun.
Eclectic Entryway
Since your entryway will make the first impression on visitors, spending some extra TLC in this often overlooked area of an apartment is essential. Your entryway is an excellent place to add dramatic colors, textures, and shapes.
Throw a deeply colored vintage rug down and, if possible, add a brand new layer of bright yellow to your interior front door. Then, add unique elements, including live plants, to give the space its finishing touches.
Final Thoughts
Deciding if an eclectic design is suitable for you depends on personal preference. If you like the idea of a personalized and fun look, an eclectic-style apartment is going to be an excellent option.
Alternatively, if you prefer a structured approach filled with simple neutrals and fine lines and shapes, you might want to reconsider.
Ultimately, the decision is up to you. But, thankfully, now that you have a better idea of eclectic design, its features, and its benefits, you can decide what is best suited for your lifestyle. And, if you choose to, now you know how to integrate eclectic design into your apartment.
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