Apartment Rent Prices at Windemere Apartments [2024]

October 3, 2024
Explore rent prices at Windemere Apartments and learn how they compare to other nearby communities to help guide your apartment search.

If you're looking to rent an apartment in Kansas City, you need the right data to see the rental price changes and how they compare to the rest of the city. We took a look at the rents at Windemere Apartments over the last few years to see how they fluctuated across different sized units.

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Note: All of the rental data included here comes from our internal database of rent estimates. We offer rental estimates at the city, state, and national level available for download.

Apartment Rent Prices at Windemere Apartments

Take a look at the data we collectd about Windemere Apartments to see how the trends impact your rental search.

Unit Rented MonthBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price SeenUnits
Jun 2022Studio116 days$8051
Jul 2022Studio184 days$7901
Mar 2023Studio1129 days$8001
Apr 2023Studio161 days$8203
Jul 2023Studio1262 days$7951
Sep 2023Studio1295 days$7751
Oct 2023Studio157 days$8122
Nov 2023Studio1103 days$7751
Jan 2024Studio1113 days$7991
Feb 2024Studio1207 days$7991

Windemere Apartments' studio and 1-bedroom unit prices are still holding steady year-over-year. Their selection of studio apartments saw slight fluctuations between $775 and $822 and some of their listings remained on the market for extended periods—over 200 days. Their 1-bedroom units have hovered around $895 to $950 with times on the market from 26 days to as long as 139 days. Renters can rest easy that the prices are consistent and the somewhat longer time apartments on the market suggests that availability may vary widely.

Windemere Apartments living room - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

Are Apartment Prices Going Up or Down at Windemere Apartments?

Here's an overview of the rental fluctuations of Windmere Apartments over the past couple months to see if their prices are falling or rising.

Unit Rented OnBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price Seen
2024-09-26Studio123 days$850
2024-09-12Studio129 days$795
2024-08-261168 days$875
2024-08-23Studio143 days$775
2024-08-22Studio149 days$775
2024-08-20Studio127 days$775
2024-08-16Studio13 days$799

If you look at the recent data of the apartment prices at Windemere Apartments, you'll see they've remained fairly stable and aren't going up or down much. Their studio units have mostly hovered between $775 and $850. Their studio rentals are rent for around $775, with the occasional slight increase. The 1-bedroom units are fewer and farther in between, but sit at around $875 a month. However, the time units stay on the market varies, with some being rented in as little as 3 days while others remain for over 40 days.

When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment at Windemere Apartments?

Based on Windemere's Apartments' data, studios tend to stay on the market for longer periods during the summer months, including August and September. Their rental prices hover between $775 to $850. You'll also see that units rented earlier in the year usually see a shorter time on the market but still offer similar price points. Renters looking for more flexibility in availability should look to late summer or fall for more options.

Interior of Windemere Apartments - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

How Windemere Apartments Compares to Kansas City’s Local Market?

Now that you have an idea of Windemere's rental prices in Kansas City, you also need a look at how they compete with area apartments. Our team gathered the average prices and days on market Windemere Apartments against the broader market to give you a clear idea of what to expect.

Note: Market data includes Kansas City and surrounding areas and is segmented by asset type

BedBathProperty Average Price (% compared to Market)*Property Average Days on Market (% compared to Market)*
Studio1$789 (-13.9%)98 (10.1%)
11$928 (-28.7%)109 (41.5%)

Windemere Apartments offers competitive pricing compared to the Kansas City rental market, with studio units priced about 13.9% lower than the city's average and 1-bedroom units priced 28.7% below the market rate. Renters should remember that Windemere's 1-bedroom units average 41.5% more time on the market compared to the rest of the city. Our data shows Windemere is a budget-friendly option with potentially longer waits for availability.

Apartment Hunting in Kansas City?

If you want to rent an apartment in Kansas City and get the best price, you'll find plenty of options at Windemere Apartments. Their prices remain competitive and, despite some fluctuations, stay on the market long enough to make a decision. If you find a great deal, you should act quickly. But if you're still not sure which type of apartment to rent, take our personalized quiz to find the perfect match for you.

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Tristian Brown
Tristian Brown is a Senior Content Marketing Associate at Apartment List, where he manages high-quality content that helps modern renters find the perfect home. He brings an immense wealth of knowledge to the team, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and European Management from the University of San Diego and EM Strasbourg Business School. Read More

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