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1 bedroom apartments

Duncanville, TX 4 1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent

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City Guide for Duncanville, TX

We are the champions: Some people refer to Duncanville as the "city of champions" because the high school has won so many athletic championships, especially in basketball. But even if you're not a fan of cheering on the local teams, there are a lot of other things you can cheer about here, too.

The city of Dallas has a bit of a reputation for being flashy, glamorous -- and even pretentious! But, if you want to have easy access to the best that Dallas has to offer while still choosing a more laid-back place to live, Duncanville could be your perfect new home. Cool, unpretentious and generally affordable, this town is part of the "Best Southwest" collection of four suburbs in South Dallas County. Looking for stability? Compared to other parts of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Duncanville is pretty well-established. That gives it a settled down-to-earth feeling, because people are settling down here instead of always moving on to the next bigger and better property.

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What to keep in mind when looking for 1 bedroom apartments in Duncanville, TX

Looking for 1 bedroom apartments in Duncanville offers a variety of choices and price points. 1 bedroom apartments allow more privacy than living with a roommate, and gives you more flexibility to find the perfect space for yourself or with a significant other.

There are a few things to consider when touring 1 bedroom apartments, including the square footage and layout. In some cities, small 1 bedroom apartments may cost nearly the same as a studio apartment. Decide whether cost, amenities, or location are the most important to help guide your apartment search.

If cost is a factor while searching for 1 bedroom apartments in Duncanville, consider which floor you will live on. The bottom floor is often cheaper than top floor units, or there may be a unit with undesirable views or with an outdated kitchen that rents for less.

Remember to come prepared during your apartment hunt with pay stubs, a letter of employment or recommendation, identification, and a checkbook to act quickly. The best 1 bedroom apartments require fast action, so come ready to sign.