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2213 N Perry St
Property highlights
Welcome to 2213 N Perry St, where cost-effective living meets comfort. Offering rates significantly below the Spokane metro average by 24%, this cozy duplex creates an enticing choice for renters. Moreover, pet lovers will appreciate the pet-friendly policy, accommodating both cats and small dogs with ease. The rental process is streamlined with straightforward requirements, allowing prospective tenants to easily embark on their new journey. While specific attractions and amenities nearby are not listed, the overall neighborhood brings the promise of Brimming with convenience and budget-friendly living. This property is ideal for individuals who prioritize both value and a welcoming home environment.
Price and Availability
Info provided by Tenant Turner
Connect with 2213 N Perry St
(509) 822-5650Similar Listings
Move-in costs: First month rent + security deposit (which is the same amount as one month's rent). The security deposit may be paid over time.
Is your credit score at least 620? (You can easily check your credit score for free on websites like Credit Karma or Annual Credit Report.)
Is your gross monthly household income at least 3 times the rent, not per person? (For example: if rent is $1,000, everyone’s combined income has to be at least $3,000/mo.)
If you meet the credit score and income criteria listed above, let’s schedule a tour.
For a Self-Access Viewing, click on the "Rentals” tab on our website www.TheRockstarLLC.com or call our automated tour scheduling number at 509-822-5650 to schedule a tour.
For an In-Person Showing, call or text our office at 509-842-3118.
Got questions? Call or text our office at 509-842-3118.
After the tour, please apply online. The application fee is $30 per adult and nonrefundable.
All of our available rentals and applications are on our website on the "Rentals” tab. www.TheRockstarLLC.com
Verified reviews
Property Details (Fees & Lease)
Must have 3x the rent in total household income (before taxes)
Listing Provided by Tenant Turner