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521 W Virginia Ave
Property highlights
521 W Virginia Avenue is an inviting oasis for pet owners in Morgantown. This charming 2-bedroom home is ideally situated to enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the First Ward neighborhood, while still being an excellent choice for those who appreciate a relaxed lifestyle. With cats and dogs warmly welcomed, it's a perfect home for pet enthusiasts looking for a flexible living arrangement. Priced competitively, this home is an attractive option for budget-conscious renters who want to enjoy the benefits of Morgantown living without compromise. As you settle into your new residence, you'll appreciate the property’s welcoming environment and the convenience of on-site parking, enhancing both daily life and weekend getaways.
Price and Availability
Info provided by Avail
Connect with 521 W Virginia Ave
(304) 676-0930Location
Monthly rent is $985
Text 304-676-0930 or email Andrew@smithcpapllc.com- see www.smithrentalsllc.com pets allowed with a one time non-refundable pet fee of $200 per pet
Verified reviews
Property Details (Fees & Lease)
Must have 3x the rent in total household income (before taxes)
Listing Provided by Avail