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Heatherton 30
Property highlights
Heatherton 30 stands out as a cost-effective gem in Davenport, offering a significant price advantage of being below the metro average. You'll discover modern comforts with recent renovations and essential amenities like pet-friendly living and on-site laundry. The property's location ensures easy access to a variety of parks, restaurants, and schools just minutes away. Everything from outdoor activities to dining options is at your doorstep, perfect for active individuals or families. With the added benefit of 24-hour maintenance and stainless steel finishes, this property combines convenience with style in a serene neighborhood.
Price and Availability
Verified by Heatherton 30 4 HRS ago. Prices may vary depending on lease length. We get our prices directly from Heatherton 30.
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Property Details (Fees & Lease)
Must have 3x the rent in total household income (before taxes)