Eugene, Oregon is a city that prides itself on its interaction with the natural environment that surrounds it. Rather than forcing itself on the environment, Eugene has gained a reputation for working with the natural environment, hence the nickname of the “Emerald City”.
Outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking and running actually dictate a substantial part of the social scene and have defined Eugene’s population for years
What Do I need To Know About Eugene?
Eugene, Oregon is a city that prides itself on its interaction with the natural environment that surrounds it. Rather than forcing itself on the environment, Eugene has gained a reputation for working with the natural environment, hence the nickname of the “Emerald City”.
Outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking and running actually dictate a substantial part of the social scene and have defined Eugene’s population for years. We've got apartments in Eugene, and that's what we're both here for. So let's get started.
For a city with a total population just over 156,000 that’s been described as a city that “gets rural pretty fast”, it’s only natural that the city is divided into several different areas. Thanks (Or not, depending on your outlook) to its smaller size, it can be difficult to tell when leaving one neighborhood and arriving in another. In total, Eugene is a city broken down and comprised of 21 different neighborhoods.
Take a deep breath and get ready, here’s the list: Amazon, Bethel, Cal Young, Churchill, Crest Drive, Downtown, Fairmont, Far West, Friendly, Harlow, Industrial Corridor, Jefferson Westside, Laurel Hill Valley, River Road, Santa Clara, Southeast, Trainsong, West Eugene, West University and (Deep breath) Whiteaker. We won’t be covering every place in detail here, just a few to whet that appetite of yours.
What Are You Willing To Spend?
Even though there are so many different defined “neighborhoods”, it can be hard to physically tell the difference between leaving one and arriving in another. You’ll notice the changes mostly by the way apartments are priced in different parts of the city.
At the downtown area of Eugene, a one bedroom apartment in downtown will run you $735.00 a month on the low end to $825.00 a month on the high end.
In the Cal Young neighborhood, an area directly north of downtown, a one bedroom apartment starts at $735.00 per month and tops out at around $760.00.
Crest Drive is located in the southwestern part of the city and is one of the areas we recommend looking into. It’s cheaper than other neighborhoods, with a one bedroom apartment leasing at anywhere from $590.00 to $650.00 per month.
The West University Neighborhood, an average price for a one bedroom apartment being in the $528.00 to $600.00 price range for rent.
Bethel, Eugene’s largest neighborhood, is located on the far west side of the city. Because it’s larger, there’s also a larger variety of one bedroom apartment pricing, ranging from $650.00 to $760.00.
How Do I Get Around?
Residents of Eugene have one of the shortest commutes in the country, spending just over 16 minutes. The Lane Transit District (LTD) handles public transportation in Eugene, which is primarily by bus, and even has its own bus lanes to avoid slowdowns during peak hours, something most cities can’t brag about. Since it’s a community that takes pride in “green” living and generally appreciates the natural environment that surrounds the city, it’s no surprise that bike culture is also very popular. Last year, Bicycling magazine named Eugene the fifth most bicycle friendly city in the US. The League of American Bicyclists named Eugene as one of the top 10 bicycling cities in America in 2009. Really, we weren’t joking about that. So grease your bike chain and check your air pressure, just not simultaneously! Again, we’re not joking about that, doing such a thing is very impractical.
Eugene, Oregon is an interesting city considering all it has to offer. The big city aspects we’ve come to expect are all accounted for, but coupled with that small town vibe. It means your apartment search won’t come with a list of cookie-cutter styles; whatever you’re looking for in style, price, and neighborhood, you can find it in Eugene. Happy hunting!