Apartment Rent Prices at Gatehouse Apartments [2024]

October 1, 2024
Explore rent prices at Gatehouse Apartments and learn how they compare to other nearby communities to help guide your apartment search.

If you're relocating to the Kansas City area, it's important to understand the rental price changes to find the right place to rent. If you're looking into signing a lease at Gatehouse, understanding the historical rental prices could help give you more insights to what options fit your budget.

We took a look at Gatehouse's rental data overview to break down the prices for you. Here's a look at the data over recent years to help make your decision.

Note: All of the rental data included here comes from our internal database of rent estimates, which is available for download.

Apartment Rent Prices at Gatehouse

If you're trying to decide when and what to rent at Gatehouse Apartments in Kansas City, this data can help you understand how prices and availability have shifted over the past few years.

Unit Rented MonthBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price SeenUnits
Nov 20212152 days$7251
Nov 202131.574 days$9201
Dec 20212113 days$7251
Jan 20221116 days$6501
Jan 2022212 days$7251
Feb 2022113 days$6501
Mar 20222139 days$7851
Apr 20221172 days$6801
Apr 2022217 days$8201
May 2022212 days$7601

The 1-bedroom units at Gatehouse have stayed relatively affordable and have hovered around $729 to $832 a month. However, they do tend to stay on the market for longer periods of up to 100 days or more. The 2-bedroom units have been slightly higher, ranging from $760 to $828, but unlike the smaller units, have a quicker turnover during certain months. Rents are steadily rising on 3-bedroom apartments to around $1,030 and move quickly compared to smaller units. Larger units are probably a good choice if you need to move fast, while waiting for winter months could get you a better deal on smaller units.

Gatehouse Apartment complex - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

Are Apartment Prices Going Up or Down at Gatehouse?

We also put together an analysis to see if rent prices at Gatehouse Apartments are trending up or down.

Unit Rented OnBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price Seen
2024-09-2411216 days$729
2024-09-2411216 days$729
2024-09-2411216 days$729
2024-09-192122 days$816
2024-09-192122 days$816
2024-09-192122 days$816
2024-09-192122 days$816
2024-09-192122 days$816
2024-09-192122 days$816
2024-09-192122 days$816

Throughout September 2024, the rental prices at Gatehouse were holding steady for 1-bedroom units and consistently staying at around $729. Two-bedroom units hovered around $816, while 3-bedroom units have held firm at $1,030. Overall, the prices at Gatehouse aren't fluctuating too much, but the larger units tend to rent out within a couple of weeks, while smaller units take longer to rent. The data we looked over suggests that demand for bigger units is stronger, while renters looking for 1-bedroom units may have more flexibility in their search.

When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment at Gatehouse?

Winter is typically the best time to rent an apartment at Gatehouse. If you're looking to rent in January or February, you'll find prices for 1- and 2-bedroom units usually go down a little and the rental market is going to be less competitive. For example, 1-bedroom apartments were priced as low as $729 during February 2024. Units also tend to stay on the market longer during the winter to offer more options without needing to rush to make a decision. If you're looking during the summer months, you should keep in mind that larger units move fast and may need to come prepared to make a quick decision.

Gatehouse dining room - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

How Gatehouse Compares to Kansas City’s Local Market?

Now that you know what to expect from Gatehouse, we wanted to look over the data of how their units compare to other apartments in Kansas City.

We compiled the average rental prices and days on market for Gatehouse Apartments against the broader Kansas City market. You'll have a better idea of what the rental competition looks like to make a decision on what to do next.

Note: Market data includes Kansas City and surrounding areas and is segmented by asset type

BedBathProperty Average Price (% compared to Market)*Property Average Days on Market (% compared to Market)*
11$729 (-16.7%)107 (33.7%)
21$826 (-12.5%)80 (53.8%)
21.5$959 (-13.7%)93 (158.3%)
31.5$1030 (-12.2%)29 (52.6%)

When you look at the rest of the market, Gatehouse in Kansas City offers more affordable rental options. The prices ranging from 12% to nearly 17% lower than the rest of the city's average. However, 1- and 2-bedroom units at Gatehouse do stay on the market for longer, with 1-bedroom units averaging 107 days. Trends show that the larger apartments at Gatehouse rent out faster, which will prompt the need for a faster decision.

Apartment Hunting in Kansas City?

The affordable pricing and reasonable time on market makes Gatehouse Apartments a unique opportunity for renters in Kansas City. From a quick signing process to wanting to take time to find the best price for you, Gatehouse is a good choice for renters moving to Kansas City. We made it easy to narrow down your options. If you're not sure which apartment to rent, take our personalized quiz to find the right match based on your budget and preferences.

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Tristian Brown
Tristian Brown is a Senior Content Marketing Associate at Apartment List, where he manages high-quality content that helps modern renters find the perfect home. He brings an immense wealth of knowledge to the team, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and European Management from the University of San Diego and EM Strasbourg Business School. Read More

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