Apartment Rent Prices at The Falls Apartments [2024]

September 30, 2024
Explore rent prices at The Falls and learn how they compare to other nearby communities to help guide your apartment search.

Finding the right apartment can be tricky, especially with rent prices constantly changing year after year. If you're considering a move to The Falls Apartments, understanding its historic rental trends can help you with your decision.

This overview gives you everything you need to see how rent prices at The Falls have shifted in recent years for the insights you need to make your decision. We'll also give you more context about how The Falls aligns with other rental prices in Kansas City.

Note: All of the rental data included here comes from our internal database of rent estimates. We offer rental estimates at the city, state, and national level available for download.

Apartment Rent Prices at The Falls

The rent prices at The Falls Apartments have varied over the last few years. We took a look at the different prices across different layouts and how those rents have shifted.

Unit Rented MonthBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price SeenUnits
Oct 2021Studio12 days$6642
Oct 2021113 days$8771
Nov 2021Studio15 days$6391
Jan 2022115 days$7311
Feb 2022Studio119 days$6422
Feb 20222242 days$11341
Mar 2022Studio13 days$5811
Mar 2022115 days$7201
Apr 2022Studio14 days$7471
May 2022Studio12 days$8101

Studio apartments at The Falls have fluctuated between $639 in 2021 and $832 by late 2023. The time to rent ranges from a few days to over a month for these smaller apartments. One-bedroom units followed a similar trend, with prices peaking at $1,072 in 2024. Two-bedroom units have seen steady growth and reached $1,265 by January 2024. Overall, prices at The Falls Apartments have been on the rise, but there are still occasional dips, especially during winter months, which could be a good opportunity for renters looking for lower rates.

The Falls - Kansas City, KS Apartments

Are Apartment Prices Going Up or Down at The Falls?

If you're curious about whether rent prices at The Falls Apartments are trending up or down, here's our breakdown of recent rental data.

Unit Rented OnBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price Seen
2024-09-261125 days$1019
2024-09-261125 days$1019
2024-09-261125 days$1019
2024-09-25Studio130 days$709
2024-09-25Studio130 days$709
2024-09-25Studio130 days$709
2024-09-24Studio12 days$695
2024-09-24Studio12 days$695
2024-09-24Studio12 days$695
2024-09-03Studio14 days$800

Over the past few months, rent prices at The Falls Apartments have shown some slight fluctuations. Studio prices ranged from $695 to $800 in September 2024 and didn't sit on the market for long. For 1-bedroom units, prices have held steady at $1,019 and 2-bedroom units also saw consistency of $1,049. The prices at The Falls have remained stable, making it easier for renters to decide if rents align with their budgets.

When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment at The Falls?

Based on all of the data we looked at, the best time to rent an apartment at The Falls Apartments is usually during the winter months. For example, in January or February, the prices for studios and 1-bedroom units tend to dip. Studio apartments were priced as low as $664, while 1-bedroom units reached $928 in February 2024. Apartments usually stay on the market longer in the winter, making it less competitive and giving renters more time to make a decision without feeling the pressure.

The Falls - Kansas City Apartments - outdoor grills

How The Falls Compares to Kansas City’s Local Market?

If you're not ready to make a decision about renting an apartment and wonder how The Falls compares to other apartments in Kansas City, we've got the data for you. We looked at average prices and days on the market for units at The Falls and compared them to the rest of the city.

Note: Market data includes Kansas City and surrounding areas and is segmented by asset type

BedBathProperty Average Price (% compared to Market)*Property Average Days on Market (% compared to Market)*
Studio1$737 (-1.8%)34 (0%)
11$984 (-7.7%)40 (-42.8%)
22$1265 (-10.2%)17 (-77.6%)
21$1039 (-9.1%)35 (-2.7%)

Our research shows that rent prices at The Falls Apartments are slightly lower than the Kansas City market average. Studio apartments are just 1.8% cheaper, but one- and two-bedroom units offer more savings. Prices range from 7.7% to 10.2% below market rates. You'll also see that 2-bedroom and 2-bath units rent out much faster and stay on the market 77.6% less time than the city average.

Apartment Hunting in Kansas City?

The Fall is a good option for its affordability, competitive pricing, and range of availability. Depending on the season you rent, you'll also have time to make a decision without worrying about apartments getting leased too rapidly. If you need more help to figure out which apartment is right for you, take our personalized quiz to find the perfect match based on your preferences and budget.

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Tristian Brown
Tristian Brown is a Senior Content Marketing Associate at Apartment List, where he manages high-quality content that helps modern renters find the perfect home. He brings an immense wealth of knowledge to the team, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and European Management from the University of San Diego and EM Strasbourg Business School. Read More
Susan Finch
Susan is an accomplished freelance writer whose passion for rental real estate, travel, and digital marketing has been the driving force behind her nearly 15-year career. Throughout her professional journey, Susan has become a seasoned veteran in creating compelling and informative content focused on the tenant/landlord relationship. Read More

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