Apartment Rent Prices at Willow Creek Apartments [2024]

November 26, 2024
Explore rent prices at Willow Creek Apartments and learn how they compare to other nearby communities to help guide your apartment search.

Historical rent pricing can be a great way to learn about a neighborhood or city as a prospective renter. By uncovering where prices are at today compared to the past, you can get a better sense of when and how you should move on an apartment in a given area.

This blog explores Willow Creek Apartment rent prices from 2021 to the present (September 2024). Located in Kansas City, Willow Creek Apartments offer affordable one, two, and three-bedroom apartments that are cat and dog friendly, feature the option of extra storage, and even have hardwood floors. As part of the broader Willow Creek real estate landscape, these apartments provide a snapshot of affordable living options in the area.

Let's take a deep dive into rental prices at Willow Creek Apartments to find out if it's right for you!

Note: All of the rental data included here comes from our internal database of rent estimates. We offer rental estimates at the city, state, and national level available for download.

Apartment Rent Prices at Willow Creek Apartments

Below you will find a selection of historical rental prices at Willow Creek Apartment from October 2021 to September 2024. As you can see from the listings, prices have fluctuated over the months and years. Keep in mind that Willow Creek offers several different floor layouts at different rates for each apartment type, which accounts for some fluctuation in pricing.

Unit Rented MonthBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price SeenUnits
2024-10-012213 days$12184
2024-10-0122.528 days$16471
2024-10-0111153 days$9215
2024-09-012281 days$12495
2024-09-011113 days$7951
2024-08-011196 days$9763
2024-08-0122102 days$126510
2024-07-0111116 days$95810
2024-07-0122.514 days$16471
2024-07-012275 days$124713

Prices for one bedroom Willow Creek rentals were lowest in August 2022 at $777 a month, compared to the current rate of $795. It was highest in May 2023 at $1,004. One and two-bedroom prices as of September 2024 were $795 and $1,249 respectively, which is neither high nor low relative to its range in the past couple years.


Are Apartment Prices Going Up or Down at Willow Creek Apartments?

Average prices for Willow Creek apartment homes went down in September 2024 compared to the previous year. One-bedrooms currently cost on average $795, whereas they were closer to $926 last year. We also see fluctuation on a day-to-day basis, but again, much of this may be due to the different layout types that are available in these timeframes:

Unit Rented OnBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price Seen
2024-10-17111 days$932
2024-10-17229 days$1011
2024-10-151149 days$912
2024-10-15227 days$1420
2024-10-131117 days$912
2024-10-10118 days$912
2024-10-09223 days$1342
2024-10-071116 days$941
2024-10-05223 days$1100
2024-10-0122.528 days$1647

Note that these numbers reflect the price at which a unit was rented on a given day. Again, fluctuation is likely to reflect different floor layouts rather than an overall shift in pricing.

When Is the Best Time to Rent at Willow Creek Apartments?

At Willow Creek, the availability of various layout types strongly impacts average rent prices. Therefore, it may be a good time to look historically at when availability is high since average prices may reflect higher priced units being leased more frequently. Looking at the first chart, we can see that availability was usually higher for Willow Creek from February to September.


How Does Willow Creek Apartments Compare to Kansas City’s Local Market?

Curious how rent prices and market dynamics at Willow Creek Apartments stack up against other apartments in Kansas City? You may want to start by looking at Willow Creek Apartments reviews for honest opinions based on people's experiences with pricing and the leasing process.

To lend a helping hand, we’ve also compiled the average prices and days on market for units at Willow Creek Apartments compared to the broader Kansas City market, giving you a clear picture of how this property measures up.

Note: Market data includes Kansas City and surrounding areas and is segmented by asset type

BedBathProperty Average Price (% compared to Market)*Property Average Days on Market (% compared to Market)*
11$921 (6.7%)127 (60.7%)
22$1251 (3.4%)66 (17.8%)
22.5$1647 (1.9%)36 (-2.7%)

Willow Creek apartment homes are slightly more expensive than those in the surrounding area, with one-bedrooms costing around 5.1% more than the average for Kansas City. They also spend more time on the market compared to other apartments in the area, though three-bedrooms are an exception.

Apartment Hunting in Kansas City?

Willow Creek Apartments are just one of many fantastic options inside and near Kansas City. There are furnished Kansas City apartments for those staying more short term and luxury units for those with a taste for the finer things in life. If you want to learn more about renting in Kansas City, check out one of our guides below. Or get started looking for apartments by taking our easy matching quiz!

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Tristian Brown
Tristian Brown is a Senior Content Marketing Associate at Apartment List, where he manages high-quality content that helps modern renters find the perfect home. He brings an immense wealth of knowledge to the team, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and European Management from the University of San Diego and EM Strasbourg Business School. Read More
Dr. Katherine Blake
Dr. Katherine Blake is a content editor with Apartment List, where she helps ensure our renter and rental management content is fresh and informed by the latest data. Read More

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