224 W Lakelawn PL

224 W Lakelawn PL

(919) 455-8061

Price and Availability

Info provided by buildium

0 Bed, 1.0 Bath
Starting at
1 Bath
76 sqft
Unit 0 Bed
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224 West Lakelawn Place, Madison, WI 53703


Patio / balcony
Unit Amenities
patio / balcony
Property Amenities
Membership Process

You can contact lothlorien by emailing Lothlorienmembership@madisoncommunity.coop

Once you have reached out, you should recieve a response email with basic info and a standard set of questions. After we recieve your responses, we will reach out to coordinate the rest of the process. All applicants (aka "membershippers") must:

1. Attend 2 membership events (such as hangouts). This may be done remotely for long-distance membershippers.
2. Following the 2 membership events, the membershipper must complete an interview, which may also be completed remotely for long-distance applicants.
3. Membership meetings must be announced 48 hours in advance on the house e-mail group.
4. Quorum for membership meetings is four members.
5. Accepting new members requires consensus to be reached at the first Elven Council after the membership meeting.

In Our Words
We are a community of approximately 25 people (both students, workers & others), along with one cat and three and a half dogs who share a large yellow castle on the shore of Lake Mendota. Founded in 1973, Lothlorien Co-op strives to provide a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for people of all ages, sexes, races and sexual orientations. Many of our members are politically active in queer rights, labor rights, environmental and feminist movements. In the spirit of our egalitarian ideals, house decisions are made through Formal Consensus at weekly Elven Council meetings.

Is Parking Available?

What kind of parking is available?
Driveway; it is first come first serve. Only 4 spots are available.

Are all house meals vegetarian?

Vegetarian option at all meals?

Vegan option at all meals?

What other food options are available at some meals?
We try to accommodate people with dietary restrictions.

Is meat allowed in the house?

Are there any restrictions on meat in the house?
House does not buy meat.

Meals Cost:

Food Membership Allowed?

Meal Plan Participation:

Pets Allowed?
Yes, though we are currently "dogged out".

Current Pet Situation:
1 free-roaming cat, 3.5 dogs, a few rats, and lots of fish

Pet Policy:
1. Only one cat or dog is allowed to live in anyone's room at a time.
2. Dogs, cats (or any other animal over 5 lbs) must be membershipped and must meet all other membershipped pets before admittance.
3. Any other animal under 5 lbs that will stay in a members room does not need to be membershipped.

Verified reviews

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Property Details (Fees & Lease)

Listing Provided by buildium

Frequently Asked Questions