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Carriage House Apartments
Property highlights
Carriage House Apartments deliver an enriching lifestyle with spacious living options complemented by a wide selection of amenities. Situated just minutes from Hwy 49 and within walking distance to the new community center and popular restaurants, this property offers both convenience and comfort. Families benefit from the property serving both Greene County Tech and Paragould school districts, including school bus pick-up on-site. The area boasts an array of parks and grocery stores nearby, enhancing everyday convenience. Enhancing its appeal is the sparkling swimming pool, basketball court, and clubhouse, which provide abundant recreational activities in the community, all at a compelling value with its price advantage.
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Price and Availability
Info provided by ShowMeTheRent
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(870) 335-2916 ext. 4Location
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Property Details (Fees & Lease)
Must have 3x the rent in total household income (before taxes)
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Listing Provided by ShowMeTheRent