Apartment Rent Prices at Westley on Broadway [2024]

October 2, 2024
Explore rent prices at Westley on Broadway Apartments and learn how they compare to other nearby communities to help guide your apartment search.

When you're looking for a new place to rent in Kansas City, you need a solid understanding of the rental prices to make the best decision for your budget. We know it can get complicated so compiled everything for you in an easy to understand overview. If you're looking at Westley on Broadway, we also compared its data alongside the overall Kansas City rental market.

Note: All of the rental data included here comes from our internal database of rent estimates. We offer rental estimates at the city, state, and national level available for download.

Apartment Rent Prices at Westley on Broadway

Westley on Broadway in Kansas City has a lot of rental data to look through. We gave you an overview here and also included an analysis below to make sense of the rental prices.

Unit Rented MonthBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price SeenUnits
Sep 202111460 days$14592
Jan 2022Studio1393 days$9991
Jan 20221182 days$14291
Jan 202222277 days$23991
Feb 2022Studio1413 days$10441
Feb 202211148 days$15503
Feb 202222245 days$20141
Mar 2022Studio1660 days$10441
Mar 202211180 days$13843
Mar 202222291 days$21092

The 1-bedroom units at Westley on Broadway have fluctuated, but we notice a trend toward lower prices when it reached $700 during mid-2024. Studio apartment prices have been more stable and range around $1,000 to $1,185. The 2-bedroom, 1.5-bath units also saw prices stabilize and even out between $812 and $850 by September 2024. The overall trend is prices dropped from earlier highs in 2024, but rental times have shortened, which suggests the demand is picking up.

Westley on Broadway lounge area - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

Are Apartment Prices Going Up or Down at Westley on Broadway?

We also took a look at whether or not the rent prices at Westley on Broadway have gone up or down. Here's a breakdown of recent trends to help you decide.

Unit Rented OnBedroomsBathroomsTime on MarketLast Price Seen
2024-09-241139 days$1320
2024-09-241139 days$1320
2024-09-241139 days$1320
2024-09-241139 days$1320
2024-09-241139 days$1320
2024-09-241123 days$1360
2024-09-241123 days$1360
2024-09-241123 days$1360
2024-09-241123 days$1360
2024-09-241123 days$1360

Westley on Broadway front desk area - Kansas City, MO apartments for rent

When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment at Westley on Broadway?

If you look over the recent data, rental prices for 1-bedroom units at Westley on Broadway showed a slight decline. The prices peaked at around $1,545 in early September 2024 and dropped to $1,320 by the end of the month. Studio apartments remained stable and hovered around $1,072. Overall, the rents at Westley on Broadway seem to be trending downward, particularly if you're looking at larger 1-bedroom units. This could be an ideal time to rent if you're looking for affordable apartments in Kansas City.

How Westley on Broadway Compares to Kansas City’s Local Market?

It's also important for renters to see how the rent prices in Kansas City compare to Westley on Broadway.

We took a look at the average prices and days on market for units at Westley on Broadway and then compared them to the greater Kansas City rental market. This data should give you a better idea of how the property stands up to the competition.

Note: Market data includes Kansas City and surrounding areas and is segmented by asset type

BedBathProperty Average Price (% compared to Market)*Property Average Days on Market (% compared to Market)*
Studio1$1115 (5.9%)342 (189.8%)
11$1258 (0.5%)268 (182.1%)
11.5$1547 (1.1%)192 (125.8%)
22$1835 (6.3%)389 (241.2%)

The good news is Westley on Broadway's pricing is roughly aligned with the Kansas City rental market with a few slight variations. Their studio and 1-bedroom units are priced a little above the market average, with studios 5.9% higher. It's important for renters to know that the time these units spend on the market is significantly longer. Some of Westley on Broadway's apartments stay on the market up to 241% longer than similar units in Kansas City. The prices are competitive, but apartments are taking more time to rent out compared to other properties.

Apartment Hunting in Kansas City?

Westley on Broadway's range of affordable apartments in Kansas City are a good choice for renters looking for a reasonable option. Most units are reasonably priced and stay on the market for awhile, making it easier to make a decision. If need more insights on how their apartments will meet your needs, take our personalized quiz to find the right match based on your budget and preferences.

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Tristian Brown
Tristian Brown is a Senior Content Marketing Associate at Apartment List, where he manages high-quality content that helps modern renters find the perfect home. He brings an immense wealth of knowledge to the team, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and European Management from the University of San Diego and EM Strasbourg Business School. Read More

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